Aquacade Pools Spas — Store in Sudbury Sudbury

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Aquacade Pools Spas

Store at 1099 Falconbridge Rd, Sudbury, ON P3A 4M9, Canada, Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, P3A 4M9 . Here you will find detailed information about Aquacade Pools Spas: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Tuesday
    9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday
    9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Thursday
    9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Friday
    9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Saturday
    9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Sunday


Based on 5 reviews


1099 Falconbridge Rd, Sudbury, ON P3A 4M9, Canada, Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, P3A 4M9
Sudbury Sudbury
P3A 4M9

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  • Aquacade Pools Spas satellite image

About Aquacade Pools Spas

Aquacade Pools Spas is a UK Store based in Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario. Aquacade Pools Spas is located at 1099 Falconbridge Rd, Sudbury, ON P3A 4M9, Canada,

Please contact Aquacade Pools Spas using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Aquacade Pools Spas opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Aquacade Pools Spas

  • Ryan
    Added 2016.04.13
    I have been dealing with aquacade for approximately 5 years now. I've always received great service, sure I had a few small issues but they were always dealt with promptly and professionally. I would definitely recommend aquacade.
  • Ariana
    Added 2015.09.14
    After researching above ground pools and visiting all of the pool service companies in the Sudbury area, I decided to go with Aquacade. Not only have they been around for several years and service more pools than anyone, but they also offered me the best price and the most selection. I was very specific on the timeframe I wanted the pool installed by, and they made sure to work fast in order to make this happen. When I had specific requests, they listened and made sure I was completely satisfied. Great service from a great team!
  • Kayden
    Added 2015.01.11
    Received my Hydropool Serenity hot tub a week ago. Aquacade’s install team brought the tub to my house exactly when they said they would and were very helpful with the whole set up process. Not owning a hot tub before, I felt very confident in how to maintain the tub going forward after it was explained to me. Doug, their install person, was very friendly and knowledgeable and stressed that if I had any questions or concerns to just call the shop. Dave, the owner, was also very helpful with the whole process. Highly recommend purchasing products from this location.
  • Elena
    Added 2013.07.14
    Horrible experience with winterizing my swim spa. Called last year, not given a date. Came home one day to a winterized spa even though it was still ready fr use. They showed up when I wasn't home, BROKE INTO MY BACKYARD by dismantling my fence, did "something" to trip the GFI to kill power, and left. Complained to Alex, to no avail. Come this spring, I open it up, Standing water and leaves in the filer compartment!! Wrote an e-mail to Hydropool with pictures and told them the whole story. They sent it to Brent at Aquacade, who promised to winterize for free this year. Fair enough. Called to book winterization this year, nobody there remembers a thing. After all of this, Alex STILL couldn't give me at least a date for winterization. Said someone would call me. When? He couldn't say. How do you run a business like that? Looking for elsewhere to buy chemical, if I can. I wouldn't given them even one star
  • Harper
    Added 2013.05.23
    i would not recommend Aquacade to anyone,over the past 3 1/2 years we have had nothing but terrible service.Forget to order parts,dont call back,When i first bought the tub it was replaced 3 times in the first month,once for a bad motor/pump,another time because the installer forgot to remove service screws,and another time for noisy , thumping pump.You would think the OWNER would be good with dealing with the public...NO,He is very rude and obnoxious.Also if you have them out for a service call,they just fix whatever they want and charge you credit card without even informing you.And they charge $140.00 for a service charge(which is fine)BUT ad a truck charge too!!! that should be part of the service charge as the serviceman obviously isnt going to walk to the call.They are nice and helpful when you want to buy a hot tub,BUT afterwards their service is definitely questionable.I also had black oily spots in my tub,they wouldn't even come see it,then after my warranty was up,they came and seen it and told me i need a pump seal,almost $300 later seal was replaced.But when it first had the problem with the seal it would have been under warranty .HMMM Imagine that.
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